Cannonpointer » Today, 8:36 pm » wrote: ↑
Trump is posturing, clownlike.
It might IMPLY that, in your mind. But it does not require that.
All it requires is tunnel vision and hysteria, with blinders to anything which would mitigate against those imaginary fears. For example, your certainty that somehow Trump is the one going to make billions in Greenland signals TDS.
There is the TDS again. Shortly after the Syrian caper, a new president was appointed. His name is joey "the pedophile" biden. You are complaining that Trump did not faithfully report on how the spoils of Syria were disbursed. The thing that you are complaining about is at the feet of the fellow whose wealth QUADRUPLED in a four years span between Jan 20, 2021 and today. That would be the sniffing pedophile in chief.
You have not presented any evidence that he did. But I can show you video of Biden breaking the law to help his son make millions illegally in Eunuchrane, and I can show you excerpts from his text messages and emails reminding coconspirators that ten percent has to go to "the big guy."
Well, I COULD show you that - but for the blinders. They will prevent you actually seeing it, what with tunnel visions born of TDS.
You would be crazy to make up stories about it without any evidence. Even the crooked justice system, which has bent and pretzeled the law to get Trump at all costs, has never once suggested that Trump made any money off of Syria or any other way, related to his service as president. As far as I can see, you and you alone perceive these crimes - all without a shred of proof.
And that is textbook TDS.